Saturday, July 31, 2010

Experimental research

Experimental research is interesting to me because the research I do in my field of study doesn’t contain much experimental research. Doing experimental research for social significance is more difficult compared to the medical field or other fields where groups can be controlled. I thought the example of smiling was also very intriguing because in my own experience, I find the data to be true. I am a waitress, and I thought it was funny how the experiment showed that waitresses who smile more are given larger tips. I get made fun of at my work for being the most “fake” with my customers, but in all honesty, I make more money when I am in a good "smiley" mood. When I come into work really mad, and can’t put that smile on, people are turned off by my lack of smiles and kindness that they expect when they go out to dine. I think experimental research is one of the most difficult to obtain results from due the fact that they have to think of all environmental factors, but in the end, I think they have a tendency to come up with the most accurate results.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I remember when I was working as a commissioned salesmen, the simple act of a smile had a strong impact on whether or not I made the sale. I remember times when it was hard to come in to work and force myself to put on that smile; I just didn’t feel like smiling. However, I noticed that after forcing myself to smile I started feeling physically and psychologically better… I think it would be interesting to conduct a study on the effect forcing a smile and its effect on the individual. However, in contrast to the helping question, the experimental approach may not be the best method to approach this question; possibly a survey method would be the most appropriate here.
