Saturday, June 26, 2010

Question #3

Non-verbal expression is not something that people think about or are conscious of on a daily basis. People communicate through non-verbal expression all the time, sometimes consciously and purposefully, and other times it just feels a little more natural. I find non-verbal communication to be the most interesting form of communication studied in my communications courses thus far because I feel like non-verbal expression is likely to tell the truth about one's disposition rather than what their words may not be saying.

The part I found most interesting in Chapter 5 we the Kinesic Code II. I always thought of facial expressions as being universal. I never really thought about a smile being used differently in different cultures. The text talks about how people follow "cultural display rules"(pg 119), which are not the same universally. In some cultures the smile is to be used at an event such as a funeral. This would not be acceptable here in the United States. The second element I found interesting about the Kinesic Code II, was "professional display rules". I am a waitress and bartender and a corporate restaurant where my profession requires me to be smiling the entire time I am in the building. My guests easily read my facial non-verbal ques when I am upset or irritated. Usually I am walking about with a smile the entire time, so when my face contains something other than a smile, people are quick to ask what is wrong, even if nothing is wrong. Even though I am sending and unintentional non-verbal message to other people in the restaurant, I am still communicating on certain levels with them.

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